All posts by kyREcon

Shellter v1.2 -Released-

Shellter v1.2 has been released!

Latest version update fixes some file share permissions conflicts that occurred when injecting to some installers, specifically the NSIS one.

Furthermore, the new version implements a quick check for possible packed PE files in order to notify the user that the executable selected might be packed, thus not recommended to use it.



Based on various comments, questions, and feedback that I have received, I decided to create a FAQ page that will hopefully assist new users.
If you still haven’t found the answer to what you were looking for, then please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to reply as soon as possible.


Shellter v1.2 -Upcoming-

A new version of Shellter is coming up this week.

It solves some rare compatibility issues and adds a few more optimizations towards the user and the internal engine.

More details on release…

Stay tuned!